Why Otakawa-Jiwan?
The life and oral traditions of Native cultures in North America offer rich and ancient spiritual insight.

Why is it important to celebrate Native Americans?
​For indigenous peoples, jewelry-making is a sacred art form that honors their connection to the earth, their ancestors, and the spirit world. Many jewelry-making techniques have been passed down through oral tradition, with each piece carrying the prayers and blessings of its creator
For the Modern Soul with Ancient Roots
Native American jewelry has played a significant role in tribal culture for thousands of years. It can be used for adornment, ceremonies, or display, and can also convey information and social status.

Infused with Spirit Of Ancient Roots.
​For indigenous peoples, jewelry-making is a sacred art form that honors their connection to the earth, their ancestors, and the spirit world. Many jewelry-making techniques have been passed down through oral tradition, with each piece carrying the prayers and blessings of its creator
For the Modern Soul with Ancient Roots
Native American jewelry has played a significant role in tribal culture for thousands of years. It can be used for adornment, ceremonies, or display, and can also convey information and social status.

Infused with Spirit.
Jewelry can tell stories about Indigenous people and their culture and spirituality. Many jewelry-making techniques are passed down orally, and each piece can carry the creator's prayers and blessings