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Customer Invoicing

We understand the impacts of the poor or lack of decisions that small businesses make on a daily basis pertaining to their business. Our focus is to provide help to these small businesses, so they can grow within the community, and we can grow with them. That is why part of our plan is to participate in community programs to be part of and help grow. 

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We Can Help

Invoicing clients can be a drag. They might misplace the bill, forget to send a check, or any number of possible scenarios. Before you know it, the due date has passed, and your agency’s revenue stream is fading. What can you do? An invoice is a document used to itemize and record a transaction between a vendor and a buyer. Typically, a business sends an invoice to a client after they deliver the product or service. The invoice tells the buyer how much they owe the seller and sets up payment terms for the transaction.


First, it’s important to remember that unpaid invoices may not just be annoying to you but your client as well. Perhaps they haven’t paid because the process wasn’t fully explained to them or it’s clunky and outdated. Your invoicing method could impact your customer relationships and ultimately how well you retain customers.

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